Mondays @Â 8pm
Tuesdays @ 8pm
£8 /£4 with prior aerial session
Being strong and bendy is super important for any physical activity, but for circus it also makes the difference between looking great and looking half great! This class is also great for dancers, climbers, yogis, runners, and all those looking to stay mobile and increase the health of their spine.
Don't worry if you're not that bendy! The class delivers ways in which to increase the difficulty of the positions as well as make it easier for those with less flexibility. As you progress in circus or whatever your physical skill base is, movements such as narrow splits, middle or box splits. straddle and pike folds, and backbends, become more and common throughout the moves and so as you progress so should your flexibility and strength. Unfortunately strength and bendiness are two things that take a long time, and people get lazy when it comes to doing it. So, we have created a new Strong & Bendy class to encourage people to take their conditioning seriously and to make stretching as fun and exciting as possible.
This class works through a number of conditioning exercises to build strength in your back, hips, shoulders, wrists and even grip, as well as focusing on flexibility in the hamstrings, hips, groin, lower and upper back and shoulders. Basically, working on all the bits you need to achieve splits and backbends, but also to keep the body supple and protect it from injury.
The class warms up appropriately and eases you into the stretches, so that you remain in control and can push as far as you feel comfortable depending on how your body is feeling at the time. The class will highlight specific details of the stretches to focus on, the reasons those exercises are important and ways to develop the mobility and range of movement whilst increasing the strength and being nice to those tight muscles.
Strong & bendy is for adults and young people aged 14+, and is from beginners to intermediates. Those who are already at a contortion level will find this class a little easy. The class costs £6 but if you attend an aerial class immediately before the session then Strong & Bendy is half price. Please refer to the class timetable for more information.
What to wear: Clothes that do not inhibit your movement and allow you to stretch easily whilst keeping you warm. All this stretching and conditioning is thirsty work and it's important to keep the muscles hydrated so make sure you bring some water.
Please book onto your class now or contact us if you have any more questions.